Govinda’s Organic Gardens

Between the two there is about 3/8 acre under cultivation, planted in lettuce, chilis, green, red peppers, cucumbers, red potatoes, eggplant, broccoli, etc.

Hanuman_garden_1This is a photo of Hanuman on the temple’s most recently planted garden plot. Alanath has been growing another for three years now. Between the two there is about 3/8 acre under cultivation, planted in lettuce, chilis, green, red peppers, cucumbers, red potatoes, eggplant, broccoli, etc. Looking for volunteers to help expand. We are committed to growing all our own produce and selling the rest. We even have at present extra trays of seedlings for sale. (801) 687-2730. Seedling are displayed by Hanuman, Wendy, and Melissa.Garden_Seedlings

Posted in Temple Diary.