The Precision of God

You have the unlimited Lord breathing in your direction. Like with Prabhupada, you can step into promotion, step into favor, step into new levels of your destiny. My challenge is don’t get stuck on one of those negative stepping stones. Don’t complain. Knuckle under, have the attitude. “I AM IN IT TO WIN IT.”

Krishna’s Underdog

Krishna loves it when people underestimate His devotees. When the odds are against you, when others are telling you how it’s not going to work out, KRISHNA will cause you to blossom, to bloom, and accomplish what seems impossible.

A Divine Perspective

Like with Arjuna, Krishna is going to put promises in your heart that don’t make sense. There’s no way you can defeats those enemies, no way you can turn the situation around, no way you can get out of debt. How can your miracle happen? It’s not going to be in your own strength, your […]

Temple Guest House

Why not bypass the motels and stay within a 2 minute walk of the beautiful New Kusum Sarovar temple in Spanish Fork. We have guest quarters with Living Room,  Master bedroom and Separate Bath, as well as three additional bedrooms with two beds each and separate bath. Can sleep between 2 and 8 nicely. Nearby […]

Disconnect From Discord

You have to be careful who you take advice from. You Have to be careful who you let influence you. Are they healthy, productive? Do they have good judgment, clear vision. Do they have your best interests at heart? OR are they discontent, bitter, living from a place of offense? Do they have unsavory motives. […]

Seasons of our Lives

We are eternal. Our nature is to find a permanent niche, lasting security. That is not to be found in this material world. Like looking for water in a desert. We are “sat’ (permanent beings) in an “asat” (impermanent) world. We get comfortable with family, co-workers, & even if it’s not ideal, fulfilling, at least […]

Choosing How to Live

If you’re going to be happy, you have to be happy On PURPOSE, because there will be critics, betrayals, delays, all kinds of things that can cause you to live sour. You have to put your foot down and say, “That’s it. I’m not other people steal my joy. I’m not letting what’s not working […]

Bounce Back Mentality

We are eternal. Our nature is to find a permanent niche, lasting security. That is not to be found in this material world. It’s like looking for water in a desert. We are “sat’ (permanent living beings) in an “asat” (impermanent) world. We get comfortable with family, co-workers, & even though it’s not ideal, it’s […]

Krishna Precisely Orders Our Steps

Krishna is not a random God. Not vague, approximate, maybe I’ll do this, that. God is precise, exact. Just as He strategically uses the right people, good breaks, He will also use adversity, disappointments, closed doors to move us toward our destiny.

Decision, Decisions

Life is basically a series of choices we make every day. We have to evaluate, decide, draw conclusions. Frank Borham said, “We make our decisions and then our decisions make us.” The quality of your life will be determined by the kind of decisions you make.