Life and Travel with Kurma I have had personal experience of a ‘Mr Hyde incident’ with my son when he was younger. He was offered a large bottle of Fanta (by a well-meaning family member) which he drank in one swig and which subsequently turned him into a kicking, screaming emotional wreck for over an […]
Articles on Diet
Hitler Was a Vegetarian like Bush Was a Valedictorian
Thursday, March 8, 2007 The Editor The New York Times Book Review 229 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 To the Editor, I must take issue with Mr. Rothstein’s glib characterization of Hitler and his Nazi henchmen, Hess, and Himmler, as vegetarians, in his review of Tristram Stuart’s The Bloodless Revolution (February 25). As […]
Soft drink damage to DNA
May 28th, 2007 Editor Latest research by a British scientist shows that a preservative used in cold drinks could switch off vital parts of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), causing serious damage to cells particularly in children. Sodium benzoate or E211 has been used as a preservative for decades by the 74 billion pound global carbonated drinks […]
Cayenne and Your Heart
Sat, 23/06/2007 – 7:31am — ekendra Here’s something simple that you can do to increase health for yourself and your loved ones. Instead of using chillies in cooking, substitute cayenne. Chillies are considered to be rajasic, or even tamasic when overused. Cayenne is sattvic. Many herbalists believe that Cayenne is the most useful and […]
Why Don’t Vegetarians Eat More Vegetables?
Posted August 12, 2007 A long time ago before I ever went on a vegetarian diet myself, I noticed that there were a lot of vegetarians that ate a lot of candy, sugar-filled sodas, pasta with artery-clogging sauces and a lot of other junk. At first I didn’t think much about it because at the […]
Is it Organic? Ask a Rat.
Oct 29, USA (NYTIMES) — In any controversy it can be helpful to consider the views of disinterested parties. So, on the subject of agricultural policy and practice, it’s worth noting that an unimpeachably neutral group has joined the ranks of those who prefer organic foods over foods produced with the help of synthetic chemicals. […]
The humble peanut and its many avatars
24 Nov, 2007, 0457 hrs IST,Vikram Doctor, TN Peanuts are known in Mumbai’s trains as ‘time-pass’. There is a certain submissiveness in the phrase — like the small nuts are fine to munch to ease a boring commute, but of little importance otherwise. And that is, in general, how we treat peanuts — we’ll munch […]
No Meat for Prince Fielder? No Problem
— Researcher Says Athletes Get Ample Protein from Plant Sources Milwaukee Brewer first baseman Prince Fielder reported to spring training as a new vegetarian. Can a vegetarian lifestyle sustain a 6-foot, 260-lb athlete? Yes, says a top sports nutritionist and researcher. Champaign, IL (PRWEB) February 23, 2008 — Milwaukee Brewer Prince Fielder surprised fans when […]
In Defense of Food: How Processed Fare Affects Us
By Paula Goodyer for The Sydney Morning Herald on 12 Feb 2008 ‘For a great example of how our modern food supply got into such a mess, look no further than the history of bread. Back in the late 19th century mechanised roller-milling replaced the older, slower system of grinding grains between big stone […]
PETA Urges New Mormon President to Promote Humane, Scriptural Vegetarian Diets
For Immediate Release: February 7, 2008 Contact: Bruce Friedrich 757-622-7382 Salt Lake City – This morning, PETA sent a letter to newly elected Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President Thomas Monson wishing him well in his new position and urging him to emphasize God’s requirement to protect His creatures and treat our bodies […]