Get a New Image

I want to talk to you today about Getting a New Image. Many people are not reaching their potential not because they’re not talented, not because they don’t have favor. It’s because their Vision is limited. They don’t see themselves accomplishing their dreams, being blessed and living healthy. But you will never rise any higher […]

Still in the Game

No matter what life sends our way, our attitude should be “I’m hurting but I’m STILL HERE.” A Friend did me wrong, but I’m STILL HERE. Business is slow, BUT I’M STILL HERE. Didn’t feel like coming to the temple today, but here I am. You gotta have a “made up mind. I’m going to […]

Releasing Control

There’s something you have to do: Krishna is NOT GOING TO take the burden away. You have to RELEASE the worry, RELEASE the frustration, RELEASE having to figure it out. Come back to a place of peace. Hare Krishna The right attitude is ” Krishna, my life is in your hands. I commit my dreams, […]

Being Respectful To Others

Don’t be TOO BUSY for the people supposedly UNDERNEATH YOU. Don’t deny them the time of day. Treat everyone with respect & honor. They are brought Xcross your path for a reason. If you look at the lives of Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, some of their most defining moments came when they […]

Receiving God’s Gifts

We have heard it said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” But today we affirm, “It is ALSO blessed to RECEIVE.” Every one of us has received something. We don’t have anything to give, EXCEPT as we have received. Every breath of life, every heartbeat, every conscious thought is a gift. Every […]

To Settle or to Stretch

Too many of us settle for “good enough”. My marriage is not what it could be, but at least we are staying together (good enough), don’t like this job, but at least I’m employed (good enough), would love to make “A’s” in school, but I’m not that smart (these “C”s are good enough). Let’s not […]

Underestimated On Purpose

All the facts say “It’s impossible”, but KRISHNA ON PURPOSE will have you underestimated. When it seems the LEAST LIKELY, that’s when He shows up the GREATEST. Don’t get discouraged when you’re underestimated. It’s a setup. KRISHNA put you in that position to show Himself strong. When you defy the odds, everyone will know His […]

The Power of Peace

The enemy would LOVE for you to worry about things that are never going to happen. She would LOVE for you to miss the beauty of this day, because you’re so anxious about tomorrow. Don’t fall into that trap. KRISHNA has not failed you in the past, and he’s not going to fail you now. […]

Avoid Distractions

Krishna is saying to you: your hour has come. If you’re going to reach your highest potential, you have to SET YOUR FACE. You can’t be distracted by things that are keeping you from your purpose. You don’t have time to waste, worried about what people think about you, worried about the economy, worried about […]

Under Construction

In the same way you have to see the things that are messy in yr life, the things you struggle with, the things that seem out of pLace, as simply UNDER CONSTRUCTION It does not mean things are not going to work out. Maybe there’s water in yr the future temple room. There are tools […]