Learning to be thankful, whether to God or to other people, is the best vaccination against taking good fortune for granted. And the less you take for granted, the more pleasure and joy life will bring you. Hans Selye, who is considered the father of stress studies, has said that gratitude produces more positive emotional […]
Resource Library
The Yoga of Devotion
This afternoon let me encourage you not just to GO with God, but GROW with God. Chant His holy names, honor Him with yr talents and abilities. Plant the seeds of devotion and patiently wait for the fruits of love peace, abundance and purpose. Know today that God is bigger than yr problems, bigger than […]
Unexpected Detours
I don”t know about you, but there certainly have been moments in my journey of faith when I have asked myself, “How in the world did I get myself in this mess?” “What wrong turn did I make?” “Where am I supposed to be going?” The attitude we choose in those moments when we are […]
Abiding vs Striving
The Lord says, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you ABIDE in me, you will bear much fruit, for APART from me you can do nothing”. Imagine how important these words are. “THIS IS HOW you’re going to be successful. THIS IS HOW you’re going to overcome challenges. THIS IS HOW you’ll […]
Reversal of Fortune
KRISHNA is about to reverse some things in your life, things that look like they’ll never change, “You’ll never own your own business, never get into management, never write that book, never start that ministry”. No, get ready for a reversal. Things are going to SUDDENLY shift in your favor, Narada is going to show […]
His Glad Embrace
All you have to do is: take that step TOWARD him. NO MORE hiding, NO MORE living condemned, NO MORE feeling unworthy. GO TO God with boldness, and receive this mercy. HARE KRISHNA. Krishna is calling your name today, saying “Come out of hiding. Come to My house. I want to GLADLY EMBRACE you”. Will […]
Movies in the Mind
Faith in Reverse Says. “I’ll never get the breaks.” That’s a statement of faith. Faith goes to work & makes it happen. Why not take the same energy and flip it. “My life is in your hands, Lord. You are guiding & directing my steps. I’m not expecting defeat, failure. I’m expecting victory, to go […]
You Are What You Eat
Sunday Feast Talk Initially on the benefits of vegetarianism, and concluding with the theme of Beyond Vegetarianism by offering the food and making it Prasadam.
Thinking Power Thoughts
Yes, the opposition may be much bigger, much stronger – just agree with what Krishna says, “Lord, you said when the enemy comes against me, you will cause them to lose heart and run away BG 11/36 sthane hrsikesa tava prakirtya/jagat prahrsyaty anurajyate ca raksamsi bhitani diso dravanti/sarve namasyanti ca siddha-sanghah O Hrsikesa, the world becomes […]
Large Home School Field Trip
Large Group of 50-60 kids, and parents, all of whom home school. Warning: there are some very young children making noise intermittently. They spent three hours at the temple with kirtan, animals, yoga, and lunch.