Greek Potatoes (Oven-Roasted!)


* 8 large potatoes, peeled, cut into large wedges (about 6-7 wedges per potato)
* large pinch of hing
* 1/2 cup olive oil
* 1 cup water
* 1 tablespoon dried oregano
* 1 lemon, juice of, to 1 1/2
*  rock salt


* 8 large potatoes, peeled, cut into large wedges (about 6-7 wedges per potato)
* large pinch of hing
* 1/2 cup olive oil
* 1 cup water
* 1 tablespoon dried oregano
* 1 lemon, juice of, to 1 1/2
* rock salt
* fresh coarse ground black pepper


Prep Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 1 1/2 hrs

1. Preheat oven to 420°F
2. Put all the ingredients into a baking pan large enough to hold them.
3. Season generously with sea salt and black pepper.
4. Make sure your hands are very clean and put them in the pan and give everything a toss to distribute.
5. Mix in the hing.
6. Bake for 40 minutes.
7. When a nice golden-brown crust has formed on the potatoes, give them a stir to bring the white underside up, season lightly with a bit more sea salt and pepper and just a light sprinkling of oregano.
8. Add 1/2 cup more water if pan appears to be getting dry, and pop back into oven to brown other side of potatoes.
9. This will take about another 40 minutes.
10. Do not be afraid of overcooking the potatoes- they will be delicious.
11. Note: I often melt a bouillon cube in the water; if you do, make sure to cut back some on the salt.

Posted in Savories.