Master Your Moods

Strive for stability, consistency, being the same day in & day out. We all have emotions, feelings, but we need to learn to manage them. Would you agree with me that too many people today live by how they feel. It’s like living on a roller coaster, up when circumstances are good, and down when […]

Uncomfortable Situations

We all face situations that are uncomfortable. We’re not getting our way, dealing w a person hard to get along with, late for an appointment & caught in traffic. As much as we don’t like it, Krishna allows uncomfortable situations. When we are put under pressure, it shows what we are made of.

Message of Love

We all have strengths. We all have weaknesses. That’s not our own doing, but GRACE OF GOD. Some are secure & confident cause they had a great family life. They had great parents. I can’t judge the actions of someone who was not blessed in that way. If the roles had been reversed, I don’t […]

Steer Your Life in the Right Direction

Our words are setting the DIRECTION for our lives. If you want to know what you’re going to be like five years from now – LISTEN to what you’re saying about yourself. “I’ll never get well. I’ll never break this addiction. I’ll never meet the right person” – you are PROPHESYING your future. You can’t […]

The Weight of Favor

Favor means honor, blessings, influence. We like those things, but we don’t always realize there’s a weight that comes with favor, a burden that comes with influence. If you’re not prepared for it, the favor won’t be a blessing. It will be a burden. We have to pass some tests before Krishna will trust us […]

God’s Power, Presence, and Protection

GROW YOUR FAITH…The key is to find out that plan and find it and get right in the center of it.  We need to be challenged.  We need to be stretched.  It’s emotionally  unhealthy, even suicidal, to go through life being mediocre, half hearted, wondering, “What am I doing?  Where am I going?” Simply taking […]