A temple is the focus of spiritual life for those who gather there regularly. Over time the community becomes a spiritual family, which is very much like a family bound by birth and marriage except that all the relationships are based on worship together and mutual spiritual goals. Together we walk the path to God.
We at the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple invite newcomers to join our active spiritual family. Please email us (utahkrishnas@gmail.com) for a MP3 audio file of the NEW Members Class or click on the link below:
A temple is the focus of spiritual life for those who gather there regularly. Over time the community becomes a spiritual family, which is very much like a family bound by birth and marriage except that all the relationships are based on worship together and mutual spiritual goals. Together we walk the path to God.
If you live in a distant place, take the membership class online, make a modest financial pledge, join our devotional family and receive weekly MP3 and power points from Caru Das. We offer the class audio and power point presentation below.
Select Membership Plan* ($11, $21, $51, $101) |
* – Subscriptions are secure, and processed via Paypal. You can change or stop your subscription at any time.
The benefits of temple membership, whether you live near the temple or connect through our website, are many….
- Attendance at Lifestyle 101 Class, where is taught all the aspects of a Krishna conscious lifestyle.
- Greater access to our temple leaders for lifestyle and practice guidance.
- Access to the member area of this website, utahkrishnas.org. This member area includes transcripts of the Sunday talks as well as audio MP3s and Power Points of the Lifestyles classes given every Tuesday by Caru Das. There are special articles, a chat room for members, members’ personal profiles, and many other features available NOWHERE else.
- Opportunities for transformational service and development of a personal ministry.
- Attendance at weekly scriptural study Philosophy 201 Class facilitated by Caru Das, an in-depth discussion of selected scriptural readings as they apply to our daily lives. Here, members can talk about their deepest life questions and issues, to which Caru das provides a scriptural context and 40 years of devotion to Sri Krishna.
By understanding what the path of Krishna Consciousness offers, we each have the rare opportunity to bridge the material world and the spiritual world. Plus, quite simply, we have a great group here! Consider joining us.
What to Do
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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
To Download: right click the file name and select “Save Target As”, “Save Link As”, or similar menu item.
New Member Class 1.
New Member Class 2.
Powerpoint Presentation
Membership Covenant
Having taken the membership class, and being in agreement with the Krishna Temple’s statements, strategy, and structure, I would like to belong to the Krishna temple family. In doing so, I commit myself to Krishna and the other members, and to do the following:
1. I will protect the unity of my temple
…by acting in love to the other members
…by refusing to gossip
…following the leaders
“The unity of the individual souls attempting to satisfy the Supreme Lord or rendering service to the Lord is real unity. The world is anxious for unity, and that common platform can be achieved in transcendental devotional service.” SB 4/30/8
2. I will share the responsibility of my temple
..by praying for its growth
..by living a godly life
..by giving regularly
“A great heritage brings responsibility in the matter of discharging duties.” BG 2/14
3. I will serve the ministry of my temple
..by discovering my gifts and talents
..by being equipped to serve by my leaders
..by developing a servant’s heart
“By engaging in devotional service to the Lord, devotees free themselves from the results of work (karma) in this material world.” BG 2/51
4. I will support the mission of my temple
..by attending faithfully
..by inviting others to attend
..by warmly welcoming those who visit
“The greatest philanthropists are those who represent the mission of Krishna Consciousness. They may be many, but their aim is one and the same, namely, to deliver the fallen souls back home, back to Godhead.” SB 1/4/17
Addendum to Membership Covenant for Out of State or Out of Country Members
We’ve had a lot of inquiries about membership from non-Utah residents. We welcome everybody to join our Utah Krishna family, and make available the Membership Class Audio and Powerpoint to everyone who would like to take the class, no matter how far away they live.
At the completion of monitoring the class, one has the option to peruse the Membership Covenant & e-sign, returning the form as an email attachment or Google document.
Living at a distance, there are some parts of the covenant, such as attending regularly, which cannot be performed. In response to inquiries, we have capsulated four elements by which one may continue in good standing as a remote member, and the benefits thus derived.
Remote members
- Increase and/or improve quality of japa and offering of foodstuffs.
- Perform some service, such as transcribing lectures or researching for future talks, etc. We’d like to hear from you what you are good at and enjoy doing.
- Donate the first of every month an amount of your choice to support the outreach of ISKCON Utah.
- Listen faithfully and take notes from one lecture per week.
Benefits of Membership
1) Weekly Lifestyles Class and Audio
2) Weekly Sunday talk “delivered” to your inbox
3) Open channel to Caru Das for questions & mentoring
4) Free stay & prasadam in the Utah guest rooms when visiting
5) Transcriptions of talks as they become available on membership section of the web site
6) Part of a growing vibrant world wide community
7) Imperishable assets of devotional service
8) For the faithful, elevation to Krishna Loka in the very near future
Now it is your turn to act. Having gone through our Membership Class, and reviewing the Membership Covenant, the next step to take is signing below. Also, we invite you to become an active member of our Temple community today by selecting a Membership Subscription Plan below.
After we receive your covenant agreement and financial pledge you will receive your log-in information via email, which will take you into the membership section of our website.
Thank you for participating today. We look forward to getting to know you and growing together.
Select Membership Plan* ($11, $21, $51, $101) |
* – Subscriptions are secure, and processed via Paypal. You can change or stop your subscription at any time.