ISKCON’s top managing authority, the Governing Body Commission, continues its efforts to put a face on itself and connect more with the general devotee public with a new website,, launched at 1pm Mayapur time on Friday February 10th.“There has been a lack of easily available information about the GBC—the structure, who the members are, […]
Nitai Left his Body
My friend Nitai left for good yesterday. He is not coming back, he died in a car accident. He is not going to ask me again in a dry monotone-” whats going on” By Piyush Gupta My friend Nitai left for good yesterday, he is not coming back, he died in a car accident, he […]
Bhaktivedanta Research Center Expands
The library catalog of the Bhaktivedanta Research Centre (BRC) in Kolkata, India—which opened in June 2009 and aims to be an easily accessible resource of all Gaudiya Vaishnava literature—has expanded from 3,500 titles in October 2010 to an amazing 15,000 works today. Naturally, these include all ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada’s books, and an expanding library […]
World Yoga Day Planned
Renowned masters from various Yoga schools—including ISKCON’s Yadunandana Swami and Radhanath Swami—met for an international Yoga conference this past December 4th and 5th at the headquarters of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Art of Living Foundation in Bangalore, India to agree on a date for a special World Yoga Day.World Yoga Day, which representatives hope to […]
Toronto Veg Ad Campaign
Thousands of Torontonians take the TTC daily to go to school, work and back home. The TTC Subway carts are full of different ads, but recent ads by an independent group called Be Veg have been catching the attention of Subway goers. Thousands of Torontonians take the TTC daily to go to school, work and […]
US Military Gets First Hindu Chaplain
Meanwhile, for Hindu members of the military, Dharm conducts yoga classes and Hindu services, including regular classes on the Bhagavad-gita—India’s foremost sacred text—using ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada’s translation. For Chaplain Dharm, Lord Krishna’s personable nature makes Him the most attractive form of God. And being in the military, His message in the Gita of doing […]
N. American Leaders Meet in Dallas
The 2012 North American Governing Body and Temple President meetings opened on January 13, in Dallas, Texas, with more than sixty leaders from across the US and Canada in attendance.
Chanting Really Works
The incident will always be fresh in my mind. I had been a practicing devotee for ten years, eight of which were in the sacred holy land of Sri Dham Mayapur in India. Little did I know that Krishna would be sending me the test of my life, the test of chanting His holy names. […]
My Sweet Lord, Free Seattle Eatery
A Seattle eatery that’s celebrating its 10th anniversary this year serves sanctified pure vegetarian food with a difference. It’s completely free. My Sweet Lord, located ten minutes’ walk from the University of Washington in an area populated with student residences, vegan restaurants and arthouse theaters, is a haven for students, drifters, and the homeless youth […]
Realizations from N. American Tour
Visakha Dasi, a lifelong student of India’s foremost wisdom text the Bhagavad-gita, is sharing her philosophical realizations from the book—as well as her experiences of how it changed her life—in her second annual North American tour this year. Read more…