Two beautiful new bronze bas relief panels depicting the life, works and mission of ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada were revealed on October 29th, the day before his Disappearance Day, in his Samadhi, or mausoleum, in Vrindavana, India. The panels are a labor of love by sculptor and artist Bhaktisiddhanta Dasa, who oversaw all the artwork […]
ISKCON MIday Meal Program Awarded
Two of those people, of course, were Radhanath Swami and Radha Krishna Dasa, whose ISKCON Food Relief Foundation (IFRF) program is part of the Government of India’s Midday Meal Scheme, which aims to give poor children from slum and tribal areas better nutrition, improve their school attendance, and reduce the drop-out rate. Radhanath Swami and […]
Cleanliness Next to Godliness in ISKCON Kitchen
Cleanliness is next to godliness and cooking is bhakti (devotion). Putting this idea into daily practice, the central kitchen of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) at Tardeo cooks mid-day meals for 64,000 students of 431 government-aided schools in the city. Published: Saturday, Nov 19, 2011, 8:00 IST By Santosh Andhale | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA […]
Krishna’s Kitchen Makes Prasadam Fans
Originally launched as Krishna Camp in 2006, when younger ISKCON devotees from New Vrindaban established a presence at just two alternative festivals—West Virginia’s Rainbow Gathering and Nevada’s Burning Man—Krishna Kitchen has since evolved into a full scale prasadam catering company that hit fifteen events across the U.S. this year.And it’s making prasadam—pure vegetarian food sanctified […]
Grammy Nominee Releases Kids’ Kirtan Album
This October saw Grammy nominee Jai Uttal, who has done a lot towards popularizing kirtan with the masses in recent times, release Kirtan Kids. The album mixes English and Sanskrit lyrics, an eclectic variety of instruments including a glockenspiel, a toy piano, and the sounds of banging pots and pans, and five choirs featuring kids […]
DC Devotee’s Home School Experience
When they encouraged their son Nimai to pursue his own interests while homeschooling, Washington D.C. husband and wife couple Vidarbha Suta Dasi and Lokadhyaksha Dasa saw his personality grow and his individual skills thrive exponentially. The couple, a TV journalist and software engineer originally from Assam, India, saw raising a good devotee as their reason […]
West Virginia’s Palace of Gold
By Rahul Mehta for the New York TimesIT was the Taj Mahal of Appalachia, “Heaven on Earth” in “Almost Heaven West Virginia,” a sprawling, opulent affair with lush gardens, a beautiful temple, a Palace of Gold, accommodations for hundreds of devotees, statues of Radha and Krishna, and even, at one point, an elephant. New Vrindaban […]
Sixty New Devotees Join Gainesville’s Krishna House Over Three Years
Students often find themselves attracted to enroll in this program when they see other young people practicing Krishna consciousness. And when they join themselves, they discover that attending the morning program is fun, that they feel much more peaceful when following the four regulative principles, and that—especially for those attending college from out of town—the […]
Temple of the Vedic Planetarium
The festivals of Govardhana Puja and Diwali are approaching quickly. In one pastime, Krsna protects His devotees from Lord Indra’s wrath; in the other, Lord Rama protects His devotees from Ravana and is welcomed back to Ayodhya. The festivals of Govardhana Puja and Diwali are approaching quickly. In one pastime, Krsna protects His devotees from […]
Women of Bhakti
Devotee film-makers Jahnava Dasi and Hillary Tapper have just wrapped shooting on Women of Bhakti, a film about inspiring women following the ancient path of Bhakt. Read more…