While on a visit to Chowpatty temple in 2008, Caru Das was asked by Jagannatha Kirtan Das to take him on an imaginary tour of Spanish Fork temple. The following is a transcript of that interview, kindly provided by JK, who says the gist of the tour has been nicely implemented in Mumbai. Because both […]
Temple Diary
Rathayatra 2010
Images from the exciting Rathayatra Cart Pull around the Temple, Sunday, July 11. – Click on an Image Below –{yoogallery src=[/images/stories/gallery/Rathayatra2010/] width=[170] height=[125] title=[Rathayatra2010] style=[lightbox] effect=[fade] spotlight=[0] prefix=[thumb170_] thumb_cache_dir=[thumbs170] thumb_cache_time=[90] load_lightbox=[1] thumb=[polaroid] rel=[lightbox[mygallery]] load_lightbox=[1] resize=[1] order=[asc] count=[17]}
Prabhupada Letter to Charu 1977
This comes courtesy of the latest “Friends of the BBT” newsletter. “Be convinced that you are doing the highest service for your fellow countrymen by distributing books of Krishna consciousness.” ” Regarding your standing in the book distribution as number three in the world, I am very pleased that you have worked so hard to help […]
The Burning of Ravana
By Jason GonzalesThis stunning pictoral history of the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork was compiled by the author, Jason Gonzolez. Jason prefaces his work with these words:”The story of Hinduism has been told countless times in countless books and countless articles. “The Burning of Ravana” is an attempt to capture, entirely in […]
Spanish Fork Jr. High Visits the Krishna Temple
From Spanish Fork Junior High Web Site“Caru Dasa then gave the students an insightful presentation on India and the foundations for their beliefs. Upstairs, Sri Hanuman led the students in Yoga that left many students realizing how out of shape they really are.” Organization:100 World Geography students at Spanish Fork Junior High School had a […]
Provo Daily Herald on Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple
Ask any Spanish Fork resident and they will be able to point you in the direction of one of the most unique buildings in town and possibly in the whole state. Perched on a hill just south of downtown Spanish Fork stands the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple. Completed in 2001, the Krishna Indian Temple […]
American Leadership Academy
They crowded into the dining area seats for a 45 minute power point by Caru called, “India, the Cradle of Civilization.” They were attentive, well behaved, and readily laughed at Caru’s witticisms. Upstairs in the temple room, Hanuman lead them in yoga for half an hour (which occasioned even more good humor), followed by kirtana, […]
U.V.U. Hunger banquet
Last Thursday evening devotees chanted for the Utah Valley University annual Hunger Banquet in the Grand Ballroom. Caru Das gave a two minute introduction indicating that Hunger worldwide is caused less by a lack of resources than by a lack of God Consciousness. Last Thursday evening devotees chanted for the Utah Valley University annual Hunger […]
Adventures of Tee at India Fest
Tuesday, November 17, 2009India Fest.. ‘Adventures of Tee’ Blog“The festival is set around the main event, the pageant of the epic Ramayana and the burning of a 20’ high ten-headed demon named Ravana. Multi-course meals were served of Indian curry with home made cheese (paneer), blueberry hallava (which I thought was quite tasty!), spicy Bengali […]
India Fest Alyssa Ball Blog
The opportunity came last week when I was reading the Daily Universe. There it was! The ad for India Fest. I basically counted down the days until Saturday the 12, and then I dragged a few friends with me to experience India for a little. It was so great! Read more…