Euro GBC:http://www.eurogbc.comWe are pleased to introduce you to fourteen devotees receiving the first ISKCON Europe Excellence Awards (IEEA). To encourage exemplary devotees, IEEA will be announced annually. Winners will be chosen after nominations are considered at a European Leaders Meeting. This year the winners are: Bhava Bhakti Devi Dasi in the category of […]
A Vaishnava Christmas in the Land of St. Patrick
By Madhava Smullen on 26 Dec 2009Maha-mantra had always been a creative festival decorator, making animals, nature scenes, gopis and cowherd boys to join Radha-Govinda on the altar. Christmas Day was no different. “I covered the altar with fluffy white cloth that looked like snow, and made a big snowman wearing a harinama chaddar, offering […]
Srila Prabhupada on Christmas and Love of God
Dec 24, CANADA (SUN) — Excerpt from a lecture by Srila Prabhupada on Srimad-Bhagavatam – December 02, 1968, Los Angeles. It is said that this Krsna consciousness movement is not an artificial thing that we have manufactured something, ideal thing, concocted, and we are preaching to the world that “You become Krsna conscious.” No. The […]
Trials in the service of the Lord
By Tejasvi Krishna dasOut of nowhere a line of armed police cars ripped across the street behind us, turning around we saw another line of police vans racing across the street ahead as if closing a trap. Sensing that something serious was definitely unfolding we nevertheless continued the kirtan Saturday the 12th of December 12:00 […]
Little Krishna Charms the World in Animated Avatar
by Omkar Sapre, The Economic TimesPosted December 23, 2009“We’ve been offered many other shows from India, but we never felt that they were entirely suitable for the world market. The Little Krishna series offers a fresh look from anything that we have seen to date coming out of India. While the Indian market has not […]
New Book on Mother Cow Released
BY: BHAKTA CHRIS EVANSDec 21, INDIA (SUN) — We are pleased to announce the release of the latest book by Dr. Sahadeva dasa, Cow and Humanity – Made For Each Other. This book discusses the vital role of cows in the peace and progress of human society. Among other things, it also addresses the modern […]
Tribute to ISKCON‘s tremendous efforts on Cow Protection!
By Rajaram DasaIAS officer and President of Vishwa Mangala Gou Grama yatra Andhra Pradesh, expressed his deep appreciation to ISKCON’s effort in cow protection not only in India but across the world. “ISKCON is probably the single largest organization in the world to run maximum number of Goshala’s across the world.” Speaking at the […]
We Are All Hindus Now
By Lisa Miller for News Week on 15 Aug 200924 percent of Americans say they believe in reincarnation, according to a 2008 Harris poll. We are slowly becoming more like Hindus and less like traditional Christians in the ways we think about God, our selves, each other, and eternity. America is not a Christian nation. […]
How Moses and the Virgin Mary brought me to Krishna
By Krpamoya DasRegular readers will know that, in addition to worshipping God through recitation of His holy names, devotees also worship the form of the Lord manifested in elements such as metal, wood, stone, fire, or a painted image. All religious traditions have such sacred images – of one kind or another – according to […]
INWheeling Magazine features New Vrindaban
Unexpected JourneyThe final epiphany of the opulent black and gold palace at the end of the harrowing drive, called by the New York Times “America’s Taj Mahal,” seems to spring out of nowhere from the ruddy, West Virginia hills. Read More…