The Path of The Righteous

KRISHNA saves the BEST FOR NEXT. You may feel like you’re coming to an end. Opportunities are drying up. Doors are closing. Favor is expiring. What used to work is not working. Resources are depleted. You’re having a hard time making ends meet. Maybe you’re running out of strength. You feel weary, drained. You don’t […]

The Spirit Soul

When Lord Krishna found His Friend Arjuna aggrieved over the future deaths of his relatives, and, by extension, his own inevitable death, Krishna gave a two hour course on death, dying and life after death. That course is known as The Bhagavad Gita, the Song of God.

A Vision for the Future

If you will keep a BIG vision in front of you, Krishna will do something BIG in your life. He’ll take you to places you could never go on your own. He’ll talk your biggest God centered dream and SUPERSIZE them, open doors that no man can shut.

Set Times

Krishna is not a random God. He is a precise God. He has lined up solutions years before the problem arose. The Spanish Fork temple opened to the public on June 23, 2001. That was a time and date set by the Lord before He even created the universe. It is not an ordinary time. […]

My Name is Gossip

We all have opportunities to make people look bad. There are rumors, things we don’t know for sure are true, but it’s tempting to repeat them anyway. Not that we’re a bad person, we’re just telling WHAT WE HEARD. It’s easy to justify cause we’re just passing on what we’ve heard. Or maybe we do […]

Beginning a New Year

IT’S easy to get stuck into a rut in life. Lot of people are going to go into the New Year year coasting, on auto pilot, expecting the same things – same problems, same struggles, same income, same job, same level of joy. I’d like to speak faith into you tonight, hopefully, to ignite something […]

Great Faith Activates Great Favor

“Krishna never faulted anyone for believing big, asking for your dreams, doing on His behalf what seems impossible. Thats’ what Krishna calls Great Faith. You’re showing Krishna that you believe how powerful He is. Maya would love for you to live with comfortable faith, faith in a box, faith for what you seen in the […]

The Geography of our Lives

A life lived always on mountaintops, all sunshine, everything going our way, is never going to grow us up. We’ll never reach the fullness of our destiny without the dark places, the valleys in life. Life in this material world is a mixture of (sun drenched) Mountains & (dark, gloomy) Valleys Without the dark there’s […]

Burning Off Impurities

We all face situations that are uncomfortable. We’re not getting our way. Dealing with a person who’s hard to get along with. Late for an appointment & caught in traffic. As much as we don’t like it, Krishna allows uncomfortable situations. Why? When we are put under pressure, it shows what we are made of.

Give Thanks in Everything

Learning to be thankful, whether to God or to other people, is the best vaccination against taking good fortune for granted. And the less you take for granted, the more pleasure and joy life will bring you. Hans Selye, who is considered the father of stress studies, has said that gratitude produces more positive emotional […]