I don”t know about you, but there certainly have been moments in my journey of faith when I have asked myself, “How in the world did I get myself in this mess?” “What wrong turn did I make?” “Where am I supposed to be going?”
The attitude we choose in those moments when we are unsure of our direction will determine whether we will be a victim or a victor. The attitude we choose determines whether we will quit when the first roadblock and detour of life comes upon us or whether we have the courage and commitment to go the extra mile and distance to reach our destination.
But too many people get STUCK in the wrongs, “Why did they leave me? Why didn’t the loan go through? Why didn’t I get that position”. Here’s a good thought: don’t fight it. Flow with it. Yes, it’s wrong. Yes, it’s painful. But Krishna wouldn’t have allowed it if it wasn’t leading you to the right thing.