Your reputation is one of the most valuable things you have. It is said, “A GOOD NAME is worth more than great riches”. You can have great wealth and be looked DOWN on, seen as shady, but when you’re a person of integrity, people look at you and think, “I CAN TRUST THEM. They always […]
Tag Archives: excellence
Diwali Talk 2023
Hanumanji, son of the wind / lord of the monkeys Rama’s best friend / you eliminate illusion and destroy all sin / and you’re known as Shiva’s incarnation /
Receiving God’s Gifts
We have heard it said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” But today we affirm, “It is ALSO blessed to RECEIVE.” Every one of us has received something. We don’t have anything to give, EXCEPT as we have received. Every breath of life, every heartbeat, every conscious thought is a gift. Every […]
To Settle or to Stretch
Too many of us settle for “good enough”. My marriage is not what it could be, but at least we are staying together (good enough), don’t like this job, but at least I’m employed (good enough), would love to make “A’s” in school, but I’m not that smart (these “C”s are good enough). Let’s not […]
Under Construction
In the same way you have to see the things that are messy in yr life, the things you struggle with, the things that seem out of pLace, as simply UNDER CONSTRUCTION It does not mean things are not going to work out. Maybe there’s water in yr the future temple room. There are tools […]
Pick Your Fights
Ask Yourself. If I engage in this battle, invest my time & energy, trying to straighten someone out, arguing, defending myself, trying to prove that I am right……EVEN IF I WIN THIS BATTLE, what is the prize going to be??? That person who cuts me off in traffic. If I cut him off, get upset […]
Adding Value To Your Life
“Winners never stop learning. Krishna did not create us to reach one level and then stop. Whether you’re nine or ninety years old, you should constantly be learning, improving your skills, and getting better at what you do.” “You have to take responsibility for your own growth. Growth is not automatic. What steps are you […]
When Fatigue Comes Knocking
On the way to our victory, we will always face the “weariness test.” Tempted to cease and desist in the pursuit of our degree, our health, our marriage, the restoration of our kids. This test never comes At the beginning when we are fresh. Always comes when we are tired & vulnerable.
The Spirit Soul
When Lord Krishna found His Friend Arjuna aggrieved over the future deaths of his relatives, and, by extension, his own inevitable death, Krishna gave a two hour course on death, dying and life after death. That course is known as The Bhagavad Gita, the Song of God.
My Name is Gossip
We all have opportunities to make people look bad. There are rumors, things we don’t know for sure are true, but it’s tempting to repeat them anyway. Not that we’re a bad person, we’re just telling WHAT WE HEARD. It’s easy to justify cause we’re just passing on what we’ve heard. Or maybe we do […]
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
But when we go around stressed out, worried, thinking it’s never going to change, that’s stopping the sun. It’s causing more clouds to roll in, more defeat, more mediocrity. You have to start letting some sunshine into your life. It doesn’t start with KRISHNA. It starts with us. The scripture puts it this way, when […]
Great Faith Activates Great Favor
“Krishna never faulted anyone for believing big, asking for your dreams, doing on His behalf what seems impossible. Thats’ what Krishna calls Great Faith. You’re showing Krishna that you believe how powerful He is. Maya would love for you to live with comfortable faith, faith in a box, faith for what you seen in the […]
Burning Off Impurities
We all face situations that are uncomfortable. We’re not getting our way. Dealing with a person who’s hard to get along with. Late for an appointment & caught in traffic. As much as we don’t like it, Krishna allows uncomfortable situations. Why? When we are put under pressure, it shows what we are made of.
Give Thanks in Everything
Learning to be thankful, whether to God or to other people, is the best vaccination against taking good fortune for granted. And the less you take for granted, the more pleasure and joy life will bring you. Hans Selye, who is considered the father of stress studies, has said that gratitude produces more positive emotional […]
The Yoga of Devotion
This afternoon let me encourage you not just to GO with God, but GROW with God. Chant His holy names, honor Him with yr talents and abilities. Plant the seeds of devotion and patiently wait for the fruits of love peace, abundance and purpose. Know today that God is bigger than yr problems, bigger than […]
Unexpected Detours
I don”t know about you, but there certainly have been moments in my journey of faith when I have asked myself, “How in the world did I get myself in this mess?” “What wrong turn did I make?” “Where am I supposed to be going?” The attitude we choose in those moments when we are […]
Abiding vs Striving
The Lord says, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you ABIDE in me, you will bear much fruit, for APART from me you can do nothing”. Imagine how important these words are. “THIS IS HOW you’re going to be successful. THIS IS HOW you’re going to overcome challenges. THIS IS HOW you’ll […]
Reversal of Fortune
KRISHNA is about to reverse some things in your life, things that look like they’ll never change, “You’ll never own your own business, never get into management, never write that book, never start that ministry”. No, get ready for a reversal. Things are going to SUDDENLY shift in your favor, Narada is going to show […]
His Glad Embrace
All you have to do is: take that step TOWARD him. NO MORE hiding, NO MORE living condemned, NO MORE feeling unworthy. GO TO God with boldness, and receive this mercy. HARE KRISHNA. Krishna is calling your name today, saying “Come out of hiding. Come to My house. I want to GLADLY EMBRACE you”. Will […]
Movies in the Mind
Faith in Reverse Says. “I’ll never get the breaks.” That’s a statement of faith. Faith goes to work & makes it happen. Why not take the same energy and flip it. “My life is in your hands, Lord. You are guiding & directing my steps. I’m not expecting defeat, failure. I’m expecting victory, to go […]