Our mind is like a computer. How we program it is the way it’s going to function. You can have the most powerful computer ever made, the latest and fastest model, with the maximum amount of memory available, but if you put the wrong software in it, it’s not going to function as it was […]
Tag Archives: self help
Words Are Like Seeds
But too many people go around uttering dire predictions over themselves. “I never get the breaks.” I’ll probably get laid off. I’m just average. I’m a C student. I’ll never get into shape” They don’t realize they are calling in defeat, mediocrity, bad breaks and lack. Scripture says “We are eating the fruit of our […]
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day 2024
What was that? Sunshine on a cloudy day. He didn’t see it coming. The forecast was cloudy. All the reports said this problem is permanent, but KRISHNA controls the universe. He knows how to suddenly change things. He can suddenly move the wrong people out. He can suddenly open doors you never dreamed would open. […]
It’s All Good
Krishna can see the big picture for our lives. He’ll close doors that we prayed would open because He knows it’s going to be a waste of time. When you’re mature, instead of getting bitter when things don’t work out, you’ll say, Krishna, I TRUST you. I may not like it, but I believe You […]
Persons of Integrity
Your reputation is one of the most valuable things you have. It is said, “A GOOD NAME is worth more than great riches”. You can have great wealth and be looked DOWN on, seen as shady, but when you’re a person of integrity, people look at you and think, “I CAN TRUST THEM. They always […]
The Light of Love
Nothing you’re doing has been wasted. Every time you show love, you are sowing these seeds. But sometimes we think that we have to convince people, we have to tell them what they’re doing wrong, point out all their faults, make sure they really feel guilty. No, the Paramatma, Lord in the heart, is the […]
Take the Pressure Off
So much of our daily discontent comes from the fact that most of us are MORE AWARE OF OUR WEAKNESSES than our STRENGTHS, more aware of our FAILURES than our SUCCESSES, MORE AWARE OF OUR LIMITATIONS than our GIFTS. I can’t tell you how many problems that causes!
Don’t Stop Growing
“Don’t use where you are as an excuse to not grow. Don’t say, “I’m not in a good job. I don’t like my position. I’ve had unfair things happen. That’s why I’ve lost my passion.” Remember, the treasure is still in you. Krishna is saying, “It’s time to use your gifts. Stretch yourself. Take some […]
Calling Out the Real You
Abraham Maslow “The healthiest, most flourishing, and most valuable among us are those who are “motivated by transformation”, “by the release of potentials, capacities and talents thru purposeful action.” Have you ever felt there is a self YOU OUGHT TO BE beating beneath the thing you are, yearning to realize itself, hankering to rise up. […]
Krishna Keeps the Accounts
We all go thru situations that seem unfair. Seems unfair that someone could lie about you & get away with it. Seems unfair sister has children but you can’t. Seems unfair special needs child or Seems unfair lost a loved one. Life has thrown you a curve. Not everything has gone according to plan. here’s […]
New Beginnings
Trust him with your closed doors. He controls the seasons. And sometimes you’re in spring for a long time, blossoming, fruitful, then the season changes. You come into winter. KRISHNA will stop things that weren’t working. If you’re stubborn, you try to force it. You get upset because it’s not what it used to be. […]
The Power of Peace
The enemy would LOVE for you to worry about things that are never going to happen. She would LOVE for you to miss the beauty of this day, because you’re so anxious about tomorrow. Don’t fall into that trap. KRISHNA has not failed you in the past, and he’s not going to fail you now. […]
Healing the Heart
Now the question we need to ask ourselves is, “Am I making myself sick? Am I sabotaging my relationships? Am I limiting my potential? Am I holding myself down because my spirit is unhealthy”? Scripture says, “Make sure that no root of bitterness springs forth and defiles you”. It describes bitterness as a root. A […]
Adding Value To Your Life
“Winners never stop learning. Krishna did not create us to reach one level and then stop. Whether you’re nine or ninety years old, you should constantly be learning, improving your skills, and getting better at what you do.” “You have to take responsibility for your own growth. Growth is not automatic. What steps are you […]
Victim or Victor? The Choice is Yours.
We are the persons we are today because of the decisions we have made. However, what is equally true is that all of us are the persons we are today because of the decisions we have NOT made. NOT TO DECIDE IS TO DECIDE to be a victim: victim of circumstances, a victim of others, […]
Praise Draws in the Lord
But when you create an atmosphere of PRAISE, when you’re always THANKING KRISHNA for what he’s done, when you get up in the morning, and say, “Lord, THANK YOU that I’m alive today. THANK YOU for my beautiful children. THANK YOU, that goodness and mercy are following me. THANK YOU that I’m surround by your […]
A Vision for the Future
If you will keep a BIG vision in front of you, Krishna will do something BIG in your life. He’ll take you to places you could never go on your own. He’ll talk your biggest God centered dream and SUPERSIZE them, open doors that no man can shut.
Set Times
Krishna is not a random God. He is a precise God. He has lined up solutions years before the problem arose. The Spanish Fork temple opened to the public on June 23, 2001. That was a time and date set by the Lord before He even created the universe. It is not an ordinary time. […]
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
But when we go around stressed out, worried, thinking it’s never going to change, that’s stopping the sun. It’s causing more clouds to roll in, more defeat, more mediocrity. You have to start letting some sunshine into your life. It doesn’t start with KRISHNA. It starts with us. The scripture puts it this way, when […]
Burning Off Impurities
We all face situations that are uncomfortable. We’re not getting our way. Dealing with a person who’s hard to get along with. Late for an appointment & caught in traffic. As much as we don’t like it, Krishna allows uncomfortable situations. Why? When we are put under pressure, it shows what we are made of.