It is said “KRISHNA SATISFIES the THIRSTY SOUL with good things”. If you’re going to see GOOD THINGS: healing, breakthroughs, favor, you have to STAY THIRSTY. KEEP BELIEVING for your dreams, KEEP EXPECTING new doors to open, KEEP DECLARING favor over your children, KEEP SPEAKING promises over your health.
Krishna didn’t put a dream in your heart that He can’t bring to pass. There’s not a problem you’re in that He can’t bring you out of. The question is: are you THIRSTY?
“KRISHNA is longing to be good to the people who are looking for his goodness”. Are you looking for Krishna’s goodness? Are you EXPECTING favor, BELIEVING to rise higher, to ACCOMPLISH what He’s put in your heart? KRISHNA MEETS you at the level of your expectations. If you expect NOTHING, you’re going to receive NOTHING.
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